Wednesday, June 5, 2013

6-5-2013: Weary and Footsore, our Hero Returns to a Well-Earned Rest.

Good day world!  Although yesterday was the first I went to my work, it was just my orientation; I did not actually do any work.  It was fun, but most of the excitement would be lost in the translation from reality to text.  Today was also not (technically) my first day of work -- that will be tomorrow -- but they are so short-staffed that they asked if all the new hires would come in and help out today, so I did.  I mostly bagged groceries, but also helped the Back Room Boys unload a shipment.  It was fun, but rather tiring.  My shoulders are sore from bagging, but it is not too bad.  My co-workers seem fun and nice, and I think it will be an enjoyable experience.  Then I came home and now I am going to eat and go to bed early for my first real day at work.

Random Fact:  According to Forbes, the U.S. manufactures more goods than China.  The reason that we see more stuff labeled "Made in China" is because the stuff America builds are things like supercomputers, jet planes, and other hard-to-build items that most people do not buy on an everyday basis.

P.S.:  According to a paper I signed yesterday I am now legally required to say that the above is the opinion of a single Wal-Mart Associate, and not the opinions of the company as a whole.

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