Sunday, November 14, 2021

Photodump: October 2021, Part 1 of 4

 I'm going to try to make this a regular monthly feature, where I post a bunch of photos of whatever I've been up to.  Follow me on Snapchat or Instagram to get a more curated collection: this will just be everything.  I'm still crafting this post, captions & such to come shortly.

Anyway, October was a very full month.  On the 2nd we went to Coban Rais, a waterfall north of Malang (I believe "Coban" is Javanese for "waterfall"):

Big roots

Hiking to the falls

First sighting

Some bugs on the hike back

After we finished there, we went to the nearby city of Batu, famous for its plants.

Cute pots

Reviewing some photos from the day

All in all a day well spent.