Therefore, I shall henceforth dispense with using the date in my post titles.
But the main reason I am making this post is to give ye a quick update on where things are, just in case anyone does not watch the Vlog: My studies are ongoing, though I now expect to take the SAT in June, so that buys me a little more time. Also, the RV trip (the first part of which you can read about on The Williams' Road Trip Blog, which recently moved to a new URL: ) shall be resuming sometime this week, so that is going to change things around here. This shall become what it was originally intended to be: a sort of travel journal. I shall no longer post "life updates" -- those will become the sole domain of the Vlog. I shall continue to post the occasional book, movie, & cetera reviews here, & it shall also serve as a platform to showcase any non-video stuff I make (the first post of which shall be coming later today).
Now, to those of ye that do watch the Vlog, do not be afraid: VTV shall continue to air for the foreseeable future. VTV is just a brief (my current unwritten-until-just-now rule is that they can have a maximum length of 10 minutes, though I am thinking of increasing that to 15 depending on how things go in the coming weeks) overview of where I went & what I did that day, while this Blog -- henceforth to be known by its name, Viaggio di Vidrio, or the abbreviation thereof: VV -- shall house a more detailed, but less visual, record of the same, like the posts over on The Williams' Road Trip.
Speaking of which, The Williams' Road Trip is going to continue to be updated as well, but I am no longer going to post there (well, I plan to finish catching up the New York City trip myself, but nothing after that). Instead, it is to be run by my Mum & become her Blog, while VV is to be mine.
So that is how things stand around here. As I stated above, I am going to make another post today, but then after that am probably not going to post anything until the Travel begins. Hopefully I shall see ye on the road.
V. out.
Random Fact: Before science was able to develop the insulin-producing bacteria we use to help diabetics today, those who needed it had to get their insulin from pigs. (source: Mental_Floss)
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